[NOTE: This post was originally made to a "test blog" and was subsequently moved to this location after the re-discovery of a pre-existing DBC blog at durhambikecoop.blogspot.com which dated back to the founding period in 2006.]
The Durham Bike Co-op has two new tools to help members stay informed: a calendar and a blog.
The calendar contains days and times for all open shops, events, and closures. It is hosted on Google Calendars, and can be viewed or added to a users other Google calendars by visiting https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=durhambikecoop.communications%40gmail.com&ctz=America/New_York. The calendar has been appearing on the website beginning last month.
The blog is also hosted by Google, and offers a means for volunteers to share ideas in new ways. DBC Communications Coordinator Marcilla Smith said she expects core volunteers will appreciate having a means of publishing their ideas to the general membership, while the ability to comment will provide an increased level of feedback and transparency.
What do you think of these new means of communication? What other means of communication would you like to see become available?